Monday, 30 May 2011


A poor photo but something to remind me of walking around the open houses event at Saltaire and talking to lots of artists and makers. Truly inspirational.

And here is my second piece of peg loom weaving in more spring like colours - I will get a better photo at some point. Fun to do and giving me lots of ideas for future projects. If I ever get time.Posted by Picasa

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Temple Newsam

These are a few of the photos I took on a recent visit to Temple Newsam. I have been there fairly often, but never in time to see all the Azaleas out in full bloom and also the Rhododendrons. It was a beautiful sight and I just wanted to record here on this blog.

Nature has absolutely no fear in putting together all manner of different colours. She hasn't heard of the colour wheel! And they all work beautifully and harmoniously as well.

I wish I could somehow embroider these but its beyond my ability, and now that my poor hands are getting so clumsy that dream is further away than ever. But I still love to look and get ideas, and thats just as important to me. As ever - the journey is more important than the destination!
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Peg Loom

I bought my peg loom and this was my first attempt at peg loom weaving!

This is the wrong side of the work with all threads hanging down - I may attach beads and findings to this and make it the right side!

And this is the right side - much smoother and so so soft. I have done another little piece and am looking forward to making a really large hanging one day.
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